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Aesculus pavia

Aesculus pavia

Red Buckeye

Item #: 1124
Zones: 4-8
Height: 12-15 Feet
Exposure: Full Sun to Part Shade
Family: Sapindaceae
Native: North America
Pot Size: 4 Inch

Regular price $15.95
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The red buckeye is a deciduous shrub native to the Eastern U.S. It's quite the show-off in spring with its unmistakable upright clusters of red flowers. It prefers partly shaded areas with good moisture. Sometimes the leaves will drop in the heat of the summer.

The seeds (or buckeyes) contain a compound called aesculin which is poisonous to humans. So while you shouldn't consume a red buckeye, you can certainly enjoy it in the landscape...and watch for hummingbirds! They love the flowers, too!
