Strawberry Angelica Syrup
This syrup recipe is simple and easy, yet it encapsulates spring in such a pure way with 2 complementary flavors…
Strawberries, a harbinger of spring, possibly the fruitiest of fruits. Sweet & tart. Floral & succulent. Blush & blood.
Angelica, glowing green stalks of lush spring growth. Delicate & grassy. Notes of anise & licorice. An Old World herb.
Strawberry Angelica Syrup
- 2 cups water
- 2 cups sugar
- 16 oz. strawberries, roughly chopped
- 3 young angelica* stalks including leaves, roughly chopped
- Combine all the ingredients in a pot.
- Heat the mixture over medium high heat. Use a potato masher to roughly mash the strawberries and angelica.
- Once the liquid reaches boiling, turn off the heat and set the pot aside. Loosely cover the pot and allow infusion for 1 hour.
- Strain the liquid into a bottle or jar. Store in the refrigerator. (Best to consume within 2 weeks.)
*This recipe uses garden angelica (Angelica archangelica), but other species are worth experimenting with.

I’ve received great feedback from loved ones so far. As a cocktail, the strawberry angelica syrup pairs well with gin and seltzer. Remove the gin and you have an equally tasty alcohol-free refreshment. Option to garnish with a pineberry, the alluring hybrid white strawberry. Or make your own creation as this syrup can be used in a myriad of ways.