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Artemisia schmidtiana 'Silver Mound'

Artemisia schmidtiana 'Silver Mound'


Item #: 4156
Zones: 3-8
Height: 12-18 Inches
Exposure: Full Sun
Family: Asteraceae
Native: Species native to Japan
Pot Size: 3.5 Inch

Regular price $12.95
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Like lamb's ear or a freshly sheared boxwood, this cooling, velvety soft artemisia begs for a pet every time you pass it...or is that just us?

Caress or not, this dome of silvery foliage adds a unique color and texture to the garden. Images of white gardens and moon gardens spring to mind. But no matter where it finds a home, it'll certainly draw the eye - and maybe an eager hand or two.

Artemisias generally like sun and dry heat, so give it good drainage and air flow for best results.
