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Asimina triloba

Asimina triloba


Item #: 1444
Zones: 5-9
Height: 10-25 Feet
Exposure: Sun to shade
Family: Annonaceae
Native: Eastern North America
Pot Size: 1 Quart

NOTE: Pawpaw trees do not self-pollinate. At least 2 trees are required for fruiting. These pawpaws are grown from seed; expect variability.

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If you've ever tasted the lush fragrant pulp of a ripe pawpaw, you know how euphoric the experience can be. Tasting notes of pineapple, banana, and mango you'd surely think you were on a Hawaiian beach. But this fruit tree is native to temperate moist woodlands in Eastern North America - a fact that seems to only heighten its allure.

Pawpaws are understory trees. Try to mimic nature by giving young seedlings some shade, transitioning to more sun as they mature.
