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Crocosmia 'Lucifer'

Crocosmia 'Lucifer'


Item #: 4168
Zones: 6-9
Height: 2-3 Feet
Exposure: Full Sun
Family: Iridaceae
Native: Species native to southern Africa
Pot Size: 4 Inch


Regular price $12.95
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★★★★★ (1)


Although this South African bulb might evoke warm, sub-tropical landscapes, it's quite hardy. We grow ours in a perennial border. Each year it comes back with more vigor. The foliage is spiky like an iris and offers good contrast to softer textures.

The golden-throated scarlet blossoms arch on airy stems that attract not only the eye but hummingbirds as well. Our resident hummingbirds are obsessed! They get so pre-occupied with the flowers that we can garden right beside them!
