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Echinops sphaerocephalus 'Arctic Glow'

Echinops sphaerocephalus 'Arctic Glow'

Great Globe Thistle

Item #: 1642
Zones: 3-10
Height: 2-3 Feet
Exposure: Full Sun
Family: Asteraceae
Native: Species native to Eastern Europe and Siberia
Pot Size: 4 Inch


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Globe thistles are herbaceous perennials that are easy to grow. They don't seem to be too picky about soil. Once established, they are quite drought-tolerant.

Arctic Glow is an interesting selection because it has white, spiky globes of flowers that are contrasted by reddish stems. The entire plant has a very spiky effect. You could balance this with softer perennials or lean into the sharpness with other striking plants like eryngiums, artemisias, cacti, and agaves.
