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Limonium latifolium

Limonium latifolium

Sea Lavender, Statice

Item #: 1780
Zones: 3-9
Height: 1-2 Feet
Exposure: Full Sun
Family: Plumbaginaceae
Native: Southeastern Europe
Pot Size: 3.5 Inch

Regular price $12.95
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Wouldn't it be great if you could turn all of your favorite annual flowers into perennials? We're hoping our dreams have come true with this perennial statice! Statice is a mainstay of the cut flower garden, and one we've tried to grow year after year. But after so many germination issues and varied crop success, we had just about given up on statice-until now!

As the name suggests, sea lavender has airy purple flowers and likes coastal elements: think sun, breeze, and light soil.
