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Macleaya microcarpa

Macleaya microcarpa

Plume Poppy

Item #: 3305
Zones: 3-9
Height: 4-7 Feet
Exposure: Full Sun to Part Shade
Family: Papaveraceae
Native: Eastern Asia
Pot Size: 4 Inch

Regular price $12.95
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Plume poppy is a sizable perennial plant native to Asia. It's a new one to us, but we're loving its oak-like leaves with the most gorgeous glaucous coloring. That powdery blue-green color is contrasted with the autumnal hues of the flowers. It's a very unique combo of leaf/flower shapes and colors. We're excited to try it in a perennial border with other patina colors.

Plume poppy should be given some shade in a hot southern climate, but otherwise it likes full sun. Will colonize by rhizomes.
