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Sagittaria latifolia

Sagittaria latifolia

Duck Potato, Wapato, Broadleaf Arrowhead

Item #: 6532
Zones: 5-10
Height: 1-3 Feet
Exposure: Full Sun
Family: Alismataceae
Native: Central and Eastern North America
Pot Size: 4 Inch


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This aquatic plant is native to North America and edible! The potato-like tubers have been an important food source for Native Americans and are still enjoyed by foragers today. There are loads of ways to enjoy cooked wapato.

The plant itself grows all across the U.S., but it needs to be in or adjacent to shallow water. If you don't have access to a muddy pond or stream edge, then grow wapato in a large, watertight container filled with clay/loamy topsoil. Keep wet and freeze-proof.
